32 Calle Baldorioty, Esq. Rafael Torres, Morovis


Staying calm in times of distress…
Staying calm in times of distress…

It is normal for us to feel fear, despair, anguish in times like the ones we are living in Puerto Rico. The south is the most affected due to these earthquakes, but everyone on the island is feeling and living the same despair and uncertainty.

Every time cases increase in Puerto Rico, our minds are clouded and fear continues. What can we do to relax a little and distract our mind? Meditation…

Many practice it and it is remarkable that these are the people who best keep calm. It's just controlling the mind a little bit. We're not talking about sitting for 1 hour. With just 1 to 5 minutes on several occasions a day, you can achieve it.

¿No sabes como hacerlo? Te brindamos un enlace para que puedas tener una mente mas relajada con tan solo estar presente, escuchar tu respiración en pequeños lapsos de tiempo hasta que puedas acoplarte al tiempo que desees. ¡Meditación y respiración!

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